Jason Vincion
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2024-04-01 (Week 2313): 100 Weeks

As anticipated, last week was a blur. The things I remember the most are making smoked salmon eggs benedict for the first time for my partner’s birthday breakfast, spending a lot of time socializing with friends and my partner’s family, some fantastic drinks and meals made by friends, and some much-needed sunny spring weather.

I also purchased a new phone, so I’m figuring out how to switch from Android to Apple, which is welcome. I’m not a fan of Google or Microsoft, so using Apple and Linux for my phone and laptop seems fitting. They both have UNIX commands in common, which I’m sure would be helpful if I were more familiar with the software.

As for the title of this blog, it’s been 100 weeks since I wrote my first blog post in this iteration of my website. It’s been under two years (one year, eleven months) since I started, and how much life has changed in that time is wild. This iteration of the blog started after I consolidated from two part-time jobs to one full-time job, and much more has happened since.

It’s punctuated by the loss of my father, the adoption of a new cat and all of her medical issues, a job change, removing excessive focus from the creative process, continuing to refine ideas to their core, stripping away unnecessary items and concepts, returning to writing actual music instead of focusing on ambient soundscapes, and more that I’m currently forgetting.

There has also been a further shift from a consumer-capitalist society towards a more spiritual and simple life. I suppose getting a new phone doesn’t jibe with that, but I did that for my partner, so our phones use the same OS and communicate with each other more easily. Anything that promotes further and more accessible communication with my partner is always a plus.

Anyway, I’ve found myself revisiting old sites that I did in my early 30s focused on simple living, whether in an RV or just learning to live with less. Rather than littering this blog with links as I’ve been wont to do in the past, I’ll put them as appendices.

Certain parties force life to move in a more complex direction, and I see no need to follow that. It’s time to step back and away. I’m still going to blog, but I can see this blog becoming more reflective.

I’ve finally completed reading through my 128-page, single-spaced collection of notes and whittled it down to a 34-page, 1.5-spaced collection of directives, ideas, thoughts, questions, and notes. With this done, it’s time to add new ideas by reading new books so I can add more ideas and whittle more old ones away.

It makes me wonder if I’ll learn to filter at work since I used to do a constant amount of organizing (and still do somewhat) in my personal life and currently work to build orders and keep things organized in a warehouse. The self-organization has diminished, and the filtering of ideas has begun in earnest.

In any event, blogging for 100 weeks has been a learning experience, and I’m interested to see where the next 100 weeks take me.

* To Simplify – Glenn Morrisette’s blog on getting rid of almost everything and living in an RV while composing music for a living.
* Not Buying Anything – Gregg Koep’s blog is about eschewing consumerist life for a more straightforward and satisfying existence.
* Zen Habits – Leo Babauta’s leading site on slowing down and living more simply.
* mnmlist – Leo Babauta’s other site about minimizing the excess.
* New Escapologist – a website about eschewing modern wage slavery.
* Moneyless World – Free World – Priceless World – a blog I’m just starting to dig into about living without money.