Jason Vincion
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2023-11-06 (Week 2292): Looking Back with Focus

Last week at work was as busy as usual, and new developments are coming that will increase the workload over time. That means I’ll likely have less time to work on creative projects.

In realizing that and reposting another 20 blogs from the significant blog page I had for the past year and change, I’m all over the place. I change my mind constantly. I try things for a few days, get frustrated, and try something else. That could be part of my creative process, but it could also be grasping for straws.

I’ve also had the bass line for a track I did almost 20 years ago (which isn’t currently online) going through my head for the past week, and in revisiting said track this morning, there might be something there. The bass line is staccato sixteenth notes going at 90 BPM with a Roland TB-303 feel but with more snarl.

The track also had vocals that aped Skinny Puppy in style, overly distorted palm-muted guitars, a distorted lead, and Ted Parsons-esque programmed drum shimmies inspired by Godflesh’s “Hymns” album. It’s a very raw recording, and I tried to expand upon that sound with the “Dragons of Putrescence” album (Bandcamp | Spotify), but it didn’t land how I wanted it to.

So, I’m returning to those staccato sixteenth notes with that TB-303 plus snarl. It may lead to nothing, and I may get bored fussing with them by the end of the week. However, I have to try. I recently re-read an article by Derek Sivers on experimenting with music, and I will take an approach similar to Brian Eno’s for creating the Microsoft Windows 95 startup sound.

I’m going to try and write a great deal of staccato sixteenth-note basslines and see what I end up with. I need to create a synth patch first, and I’ll experiment with different texturing and volumes in Hydrogen with my samples. I’ll see where it goes.

Until next week!