Jason Vincion
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2023-10-02 (Week 2287): 10k and Thank You

While I’m jumping the gun the slightest bit, the odometer on the Neocities website is about to hit 10,000 views, and I want to thank all of you for your support.

It’s been a wild couple of years, and I plan to make my next project to get all of my old website work over the years in one place (here). I’ll have to outsource the data space to Bandcamp for all of my old musical works, and I’m taking down the paywall on the albums. That way, the music can be enjoyed for free (or you can name your price).

I'll also streamline the CSS, so while the color schemes and images will be authentic to the times I created them, the site will have a similar schematic. The content will also be streamlined to current times, including a re-read and a Grammarly check. I’ll try not to let it suck too much of the character out of the original material.

I came to this through more of a process of elimination over anything else. I keep trying to compose new music, but there’s nothing there. I balk at writing fiction after reading my old works. I have considered some structured prose, and there’s some good stuff to compile, but that feels like it will be an aspect of this website (and perhaps Medium). I’m not ready to grind Mordor, though that may be the next big project. I have a lot of books to read, but that may also become an aspect of this website - one step at a time.

So again, I say thank you, and it’s time for me to get to work. Also, if you want to send me an e-mail, you can reach me at jasonvincion@disroot.org.

Until next week!