Jason Vincion
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2023-08-14 (Week 2280): Wrestling with Distraction

As predicted, this last week flew by again. Work is ramping up, and there are new opportunities on the horizon that will affect my trajectory. Whatever happens, I will keep posting these weekly updates, writing for Medium, and tinkering with sound.

The aforementioned busy week didn’t leave much time for creativity, but I still had time to do a lot of self-reflection. It helped me realize that many things are falling away, and I can’t focus on so many different things at once. It feels like this is a time of contraction, and when it is time for expansion again, I can focus on fewer things and spend more time with them.

As for Medium, the articles I’m posting are more refined ideas than I share here. I riff here and in my weekday journal (I’m off the laptop on weekends) and post more solidified thoughts there. Granted, since I’ve only published three articles there since returning, those ideas are still coming together, but I’ll get there.

It’s coming to seem that many things I focused on when I was younger were nothing more than distraction and procrastination from what I should have been doing, even if I felt they were significant at the time. After watching a well-done documentary on Cody Rhodes with my partner this weekend, I reflected on how much I already knew about his career because I was a die-hard wrestling fan from late-1997 until the pandemic.

Wrestling was a huge part of my life, enough so that my old high-school classmates thought I was going to the WWF (WWE now). I sincerely considered it, but I wanted to finish college first. During my college years, Owen Hart passed away from a botched stunt, and that made me rethink my desire to get into the business, but I still followed it fervently. I went to live events when I could and got a ticket to Wrestlemania 19 in Seattle right before I graduated.

I remember watching promo videos for Wrestlemania 26 with my childhood cat on my lap a few days before having to put him to sleep, and the haunting flute music they used still lingers in the recesses of my memory. I can continue to reflect, but the point is that I put so much energy and gave so much attention to something that I wasn’t creating myself. I could have used that time to work on things I participated in, like music or writing.

Video games were also a big time-eater, but at least that led me to a group of friends at 25 that persists today (at 43). We’re getting together in a few weeks to retro-game, catch up, and reminisce on old times. I can’t wait!

Until next week!