Jason Vincion
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2023-05-01 (Week 2265): The Difference a Year Makes

This update marks one year since starting these weekly updates, missing only one week because of vacation. I reviewed all the updates yesterday and then reflected on the changes over the past year.

The main thing I've noticed is that I'm easing off on forcing myself to perform. While I do these weekly updates for accountability and as progress markers, I no longer force myself to bring things (mainly music) to the marketplace.

Speaking of music, my desired approach to it changes each week. I'm returning to the sound fonts I used for Links to the Past but further stripping the number of sounds. I also need to take a break from music because the creative tank is empty.

Similar to last year, I still seek clarity, though I feel closer to finding it through stripping things away. I've written of feeling a return to the center, as the last 30 years have been a bit of a dream. What came before was a total appreciation for NES/SNES games and a desire to write.

That means I need to return to what came before to uncover things I may have missed. What I was solely appreciative of before, I can be respectful and more objective with now.

I've attempted this before with my past creative output, but assessing my responses to things as a teenager doesn't feel productive. Remnants of that person exist, but I'm not him anymore. I will experience them again through archiving, but writing assessments of my previous output is unnecessary.

In that vein, I carry too much from what came before, thinking that I will have use for it currently or in the future. There are a few things like Reason presets for songs that align with my creative process and notes and ideas that continue to resonate, but everything beyond that can go or be archived indefinitely.

I want to predict where I'll be a year from now, but I honestly have no idea. I'm terrible at forecasting, so I'll keep doing the personal work and see where I go.

Until next week!