Jason Vincion
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2023-03-27 (Week 2260): 6k and Alternating Priorities

Thank you, Neocities, for the 6,000 views! I'll keep doing what I'm doing and try to do things better as I go along.

An idea I had last week is that I need to alternate between my priorities from week to week. I tend to prioritize creativity over everything, but I have a lot of archives to streamline and consolidate. Chances are good that I will learn a fair few things from going through them as well.

So, I've decided to use odd weeks for creativity (as seen from the two new drones for the Jukebox) and even weeks for archiving and cleaning. I still have something in the back of my mind that tells me I need to keep creating week after week, but I feel like if I alternate when I come back to creativity next week, the inclinations and ideas will be stronger.

The only grey area I have is the website. The weekly blogs will continue regardless. I also have some streamlining ideas for this place and a few ideas for adjustments. That might count as cleaning since I'm not creating new content - I'm organizing the content I have. I'll figure it out.

Honestly, I have a lot of things in many facets of life that I need to figure out, so maybe backing down from the creativity every other week will help me find suitable conclusions. I'll continue the weekly blog, but all other forms of creativity can wait until next week.

Until next week!