Jason Vincion
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2022-11-28 (Week 2243): Sketching the Roadmap

After spending two days at home because of car repairs, I got my drum samples for "Amidst the Remnants" and "In Reflection" squared away. I also separated all the synths I planned to use into component pieces and am ready to build new synths with them.

I'm also not sure how I'm going about building "Amidst the Remnants" since I'm planning on doing a lot of sonic sketches and will use the best of the bunch for the album. As for the rest, I'll use them for demos to post on these blogs, as well as some of the non-paid streaming sites I'm on, like Drooble (if they don't close) and Soundcloud.

I'm also contemplating a weekly video log on YouTube with a demo at the end, but that's at least a few weeks out (shortly after my 43rd birthday, which is coming up in less than two weeks). I may wait until the new year, but we'll see how things pan out and how my supply of demos is growing.

There's not much else to report since I only had a few days to work on things last week. This week should be more typical now that the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is over, and I'm returning to a regular work schedule.

Until next week!