Jason Vincion
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2022-11-07 (Week 2240): Notes From the Road

I decided to take the mornings of every 10th week and go through old notes, and that's where I am this week. As this is the first time I've done this, I have many ideas to sift through. Hopefully, by the time Week 2250 rolls around, I'll have much less sprawl with my writings.

I think this will help the next album come together more accurately, as I'll have my ideas together better and make more sense of where I've been. The album is coming together in a way that blends all my different styles from the past 28 years.

The title and art keep changing, though I'm currently leaning toward "In Reflection." I have the last track figured out, and it's a bridge to the next album. I also have an idea of the format and color scheme for the next album. I'm pretty sure I'm not able to experience synesthesia, but I can try to sculpt the album in a way that feels like that color to me.

As for "In Reflection" (as it's currently titled), it's every color I've dabbled in before, whatever those colors may be. I had planned to do an "In Reflection" album years ago (2002-2003, I think), but I am now ready to approach this idea. After all the random chaos from my creative output since finishing the Links to the Past demos, I'm prepared to piece things together and move forward.

Hopefully, this week of digging through old notes will help me discover more insights and help clarify things more as to what "In Reflection" needs to be.

Until next week!