Jason Vincion
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2022-10-03 (Week 2235): Day Two - New Route+

It's weird how mental shifts sneak up on you. After spending a good chunk of last week writing new riffs and sifting through the previous year and a half of demos (and some reworked demos dating back to 2003), it feels like a new dawn has arrived.

I wrote a few weeks ago that I don't believe in new beginnings. That said, it feels like everything before I started writing riffs again was Day One, and Day Two began after that.

It could be due to planning quarterly releases, with at least four tracks per release. I'm keeping the album names simple (the next one is "Fall 2022") and using a photo from that timeframe that encompasses the album's feeling. It will likely be a sunrise photo, and I already have a few good ones I could use.

As for the riffs that have come about, there are a few heavy ones, a few strummed ones, a few arpeggios, and a few from previous works. I already know which one will be the last track on the album, but I'm still looking for an opener. I have twelve riff demos to work with, so I'm sure things will come together more soon.

I will also spend the rest of this week working on piano/keyboard/synth demos and seeing what comes about. Once I write what I need to this week, I'll spend next week tracking drums for the demos and then further developing them into some musical pieces. Anything I don't use for "Fall 2022" will be carried over to "Winter 2023" and reworked if possible.

As for the "New Route+" idea, I'm sure most gamers are familiar with the "New Game+" feature. It feels like I'm starting over my musical route with all the ideas and things I've learned before, but without having to carry them forward.

I don't have to shove all the different styles I've done before into one piece or one album - what is still relevant will come forth, and what is not will fade away (or come back if it becomes relevant again).

With "Purging Darkness," I tried hard to create new and bizarre sounds because I felt I had to carry my need to tinker and experiment forward because I couldn't go backward. I realized going back to old styles of writing isn't going backward - it's a return to what is natural.

I hated editing hundred of samples over and over again, and it was driving me crazy. My emotional state was suffering and affecting those around me negatively. After picking up the guitar again last week, I've been calmer and enjoying the creative process rather than seeing it as work.

I've gone back to listening to albums that resonated with me in my formative years, and a lot of those albums are early ones from Amorphis and In Flames that have a Nordic folk influence in their composition.

It could be my Scandinavian Studies major coming back to the forefront or an appreciation for those melodies that I didn't fully recognize. I don't know, but I'm seeing where things go.

Until next week!