Jason Vincion
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2022-09-26 (Week 2234): A Dead End and a New Path

I'm sorry to say I've carried the "Purging Darkness" album as far as I can. All the arrangements are very similar, as are the drum patterns. I could try rearranging some (or most) of the tracks, but I also feel that would yield little result.

Putting so much work into creative expression and realizing it's going nowhere is unbelievably frustrating and led to a rough Friday and a less-than-stellar weekend. However, it's a new week, and a new path has unfolded.

Perhaps it's not a new path, but there were two further albums in my trajectory: "Walking Away" and "In Remembrance." While I also don't think "In Remembrance" is going to come about, "Walking Away" (or whatever its name will eventually be - thinking about "Into the Woods" right now) is next on the agenda.

The album idea is a return to instrument-based sounds and composition, which I've needed to do for a while. I got a couple of riff ideas over the weekend and an idea for potentially reworking "Apocalypse" yet again.

I'm leaning towards using only guitar and keyboards, but I'll have to see if I can get appropriate low-end. I know the keyboard can go pretty low, and the 7th string on my electric guitar is at G1. That gets me down to 49hz, and if I throw an octave pedal on a layer or two of guitar, I can have some 24.5hz and 12.25hz frequencies, which is plenty low.

If the song calls for it, I might put some other instrumentation (like pennywhistle melodies/leads), but those two instruments will be my foundation. After I finish this post, I will start setting up my recording equipment and working on the next version of "Apocalypse"/writing new material.

I'm also considering doing four-song EPs every quarter, but we'll see how prolific I am with writing material. Wish me luck!

Until next week!